Advanced Spiritual Training

Linda offers these workshops at the Isis Healing Center:



Learn how to activate your psychic abilities in this simple and effective class that opens up the use of all your senses to augment your innate and natural inner knowing and wisdom.

This class provides you with the tools to discover and increase your natural spiritual gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. These tools help you to become more sensitive to the unseen energies around you and to use your spiritual gifts in your daily life.



Astral Travel is the art or science of expanding one’s consciousness in order to travel outside the physical body. The only limitation is in your own mind or lack of imagination. The Astral Plane is one of the great, real workshops of the Universe. It has its own distinct place in the work of spiritual evolution.

In this class you will:

  • Uncover a magical world, much lighter than the physical plane;
  • Recognize aspects of yourself that are impossible to see in daily life;
  • Receive insights into your own psyche and personality, discovering more about yourself and how you exist in the world;
  • Learn how to astral travel while still in a conscious state;
  • Commune with Spiritual Masters to receive intimate spiritual teachings relating to your personal path.

This process is presented in a very specific manner, which teaches the rules that ensure safety for the traveler.  As such, a specially trained facilitator teaches it.



Do you find yourself asking these questions?

  • Will I meet my Soul Mate?
  • Is my current relationship the “right one”?
  • Are there any blocks keeping me from a relationship?

Join in the fun as you creatively bring forth the love energy with song dance and all the magical elements.



The Empower Thyself Program is one of the oldest teachings on the planet and is a unique way of becoming more involved with the Light Work conducted by the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT. The Initiation that most, or perhaps all Light Workers have already received is one of Self Initiation. As we say to the universe that we want to serve, we are initiated. All Masters who have walked the planet have experienced this physical initiation.

The Empower Thyself Program brings you to a higher level of light and knowledge so that you will have ten times more light than you have before. It will also bring you into full physical and spiritual abundance. After the initiation you are under the guiding wing of the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT.    The part of the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT that you will be initiated into is the Great Brother and Sisterhood of Light. This is the working group or physical workforce of the HIERARCHY. Here we serve in the physical in order to better humanity. The Empower Thyself Program is a preparation for the Initiation, and brings down energies to the individual to use in the work. The initiate is thereby identified as an Adept. The Adept means that he/she has excelled in an area of Light Work, or is “adept” enough in holding energies so that he/she can begin to do the work. This is not left to our judgment, but rather it is up to the HIERARCHY to decide who is ready.

To become a part of the Empower Thyself Program one needs to ask, and that request will be brought forward to the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT in a special ritual. It is also a class that operates based on the energy being brought into the Initiation by the HIERARCHY. The amount of time the class lasts depends on the energy and what is required for that particular class. The program is taught by a Guide member of the HIERARCHY. Guides are trained according to the highest principles, value and standards established and held by the Modern Mystery School.



Gifts of the Spirit shows you how to work with your Higher Self., guides and spiritual teachers. You will be taken each of the 12 dimensions where you will contact these beings for yourself. As a result you are assured of your source and the validity of the information you are receiving. Learn how to enhance your connection to God/Source through the spiritual art of channeling. This is an amazing chance to change how you look at “reality”.

We all channel in one way or another without being aware of it. These messages are usually received through our creative abilities. Connecting with your Higher Self, Guides, Masters, and other Beings of Light is a right given you at birth. Learning to channel accurately for yourself gives you more knowledge and opportunity to evolve and serve. In this class you will learn:

  • Telepathy, Automatic Writing, Clairaudience (hearing)
  • How to safely channel appropriate Light Beings
  • How to create a sacred protected space
  • How to easily access a trance or altered space
  • How to use channeling as a tool for your spiritual evolution, and more


The Max Meditation System™  will teach you how to truly meditate. This system is a fusion of ancient techniques of Yoga and mental acrobatics with modern techniques of psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It was developed by Gudni Gudnason who has traveled around the world for 35 years exploring phenomena of the mind. He acquired the knowledge of ancient meditation methods from prominent teachers in India and Tibet and received degrees in NLP and Psychology in Europe.

Some benefits of Meditation:

  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Physical and Emotion pain reduction
  • Gain clarity and focus of your thoughts
  • Happiness and Peace of Mind
  • Spontaneity and Creativity
  • Detachment of situations – Less Drama
  • Builds self confidence
  • Enhances energy, strength and vigor
  • Learn to Know Thyself
  • Discover Purpose of Life
  • Increases levels of Serotonin, combating depression, insomnia and headaches, while elevating moods
  • Creates a state of deep relaxation and feeling of wellbeing
  • And much, much more!


Geometry as an art was formed in heaven as a precursor to all creation. Sacred Geometry is the study and contemplation of  Divine Proportion and the geometric patterns that are fundamental to the creation and structure of

the Universe. In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational energies, one learns the pure language of the

cosmos and gains access to universal wisdom.

In this class, you will learn to:

  • Awaken and invoke the powers of the three primary sacred geometries within your body.
  • Connect your mind to the Divine Spirit by accessing the keys to Heaven with these sacred symbols.
  • Mesh sacred geometry with the four elements to enable all of your physical creations to be imbued with the Divine.
  • Activate a room or a building, increasing the vibration for protection of all those within.
  • Create a temple of worship/sacred space.


During this foundational class you will learn to open up your 5 senses, chakras, traveling into the Light while anchoring and bringing your Sanctuary to life.  This sanctuary will also be your starting point from which you will take your journeys to meet your Higher Self.

You will learn to receive messages from your Higher Self and your Spiritual Guardians.

This is one of the most important classes in meditation that I offer as it will help you create a sacred space in your meditation where you can meditate more deeply and connect with your guides.



The Spiritual Awakening Program has been created to enhance the student’s understanding  and practice of various spiritual techniques.  It will also cover information about the ancient mystery schools as well as the path of progression within the Modern Mystery School.

The topics covered include:

  • How to make a sacred  circle.
  • Learn to call upon higher level energies for assistance and protection.
  • Learn a basic yet effective meditation practice which uses a shamanic technique to establish a sanctuary for your meditation.
  • Receive direct guidance from your Higher Self and more!

Information will be handed down about these ancient techniques.  Receiving and using these tools can enhance your spiritual practice and your life.